A Study on the Philosophy of a Human Body in the Yul Gok 인문 · 사회과학편 : 율곡철학(栗谷哲學)의 신체사상(身體思想)에 관한 연구(硏究)
28(1) 5-22, 1989
A Study on the Philosophy of a Human Body in the Yul Gok 인문 · 사회과학편 : 율곡철학(栗谷哲學)의 신체사상(身體思想)에 관한 연구(硏究)
This study has been motivated for the identification of the way how Yul Gok become to believe what he thinks a human body is.
Yuk Gok was the most famous Neo-confucianist in the sixteenth century of Korea. This study contributes to the international scholary concerns of the researchers who are looking for better understanding about the Korean physical-education in modern society, because that the philosophy of a human body conceived under the Yul Gok system must have influenced a Korean physical-education of that times.
The books and papers written by Yi Yi (Pen name for Yul Gok, 1536-1584) and other leading Neo-confucianists, were studied and analysed.
The main points of the ideas discussed in this paper are the followings;
1. Yul Gok explaines a human body in terms of a dichotomy of "Li" and "Chi." However, Yul Gok emphasized that the "Li" and "Chi" are not two independant parts but two different aspects of a single reality in a human being. According to his idea, a human body is a subject matter of a perception and is an object of a human being for his eternal life.
2. Yul Gok convinces both of a human body and a mind as one, the "Chi." This means that the establishment of a human body is simultaneously composed when the visible, body and the invisible, mind are unified in one. By cultigating the body and the mind together, a human being can become a complete man in morality.
3. Yul Gok believes that a phisically well-aligned body determines a upright mind of a human being.
4. Yul Gok attaches importance to a morally-healthy man without a greediness in addition to a physically-healthy man without disease. Yul Gok defines that a man is in good health when his voce brighten, his back thicken and his living without anxiety.
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The Effect of Kindergarten Physical Education Program on Body Structure and Develop of Physical Fitness 인문 · 사회과학편 : 유치원(幼稚園) 체육(體育)프로그램이 신체적(身體的) 형태(形態) 및 체력발달(體力發達)에 미치는 영향(影響)
28(1) 23-41, 1989
The Effect of Kindergarten Physical Education Program on Body Structure and Develop of Physical Fitness 인문 · 사회과학편 : 유치원(幼稚園) 체육(體育)프로그램이 신체적(身體的) 형태(形態) 및 체력발달(體力發達)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to determine the difference of the charecteristic of preschool education.
The 148 preschool children were divided into 3 groups according to a financiall standing of preschools.
The neseelts were as follows;
1. Athletic program must be emphasized inannual educational plan in order not to be stagnation of physical development in the consequence of that the using frequency of playing equipments decreased as the number of childern increased.
2. In the qualification of preschool teachers, they were some disqualitfied teachers(3.9%) and some directors(67.2%-74.4%). That indicated the fact that famous persons were needed to obtain the authorized preschool.
3. Athletic program must be set up in the consideration of physical development and performance of children. So physical education department for children would be estaflished in tdchnical school.
4. During the experiment period, the development of physique adn performance were increased. But there was not a significant different betwen before and after experiment.
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A Study of Transfer of Motor Learning (Fore - hand Stroke of Tennis and Badminton) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동학습(運動學習) 전이(轉移)에 관한 연구(硏究) - Tennis 와 Badminton 의 fore - hand strok 의 운동기능(運動機能)을 중심(中心)으로 -
28(1) 43-48, 1989
A Study of Transfer of Motor Learning (Fore - hand Stroke of Tennis and Badminton) 인문 · 사회과학편 : 운동학습(運動學習) 전이(轉移)에 관한 연구(硏究) - Tennis 와 Badminton 의 fore - hand strok 의 운동기능(運動機能)을 중심(中心)으로 -
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of transfer of motor skill between tennis fore-hand stroke and badminton one.
The result was as following.
1. The novice has the enhancement of the motor skill by the repeat of training.
2. After the motor Learning of tennis, we see the negative transfer effect of motor skill on badminton.
3. After the motor Learning of badminton, we see the positive transfer effect of motor skill on tennis.
4. It is concluded to enhance the amount of transfer by the amount of familarity of repeat.
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A Study on Awareness Structures of Cyclists 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사이클 선수들의 의식구조에 관한 조사연구
28(1) 49-66, 1989
A Study on Awareness Structures of Cyclists 인문 · 사회과학편 : 사이클 선수들의 의식구조에 관한 조사연구
This study was undertaken to discuss both the direct effecting factors of family, economics, teams and participating motives, and the indirect factors of social hospitality, future perspectives and the view on the professional cycling, thereby providing a referential data necessary for selection and management of cyclists and maximization of their performance skills. 141 cyclists (92 males and 49 females) served as subjects for this study. The implication of the study are as follows ;
1. Motives to participate in cycling ware teachers’ recommendation (46.0%) and their own choice (43.2%). Elite cyclists participated in cycling through teachers’ recommendation much more than non-elite ones.
2. The choice of speciality was their own will (47.7%) and coaches’ recommendation (40.9%). Male and elite cyclists showed this trend much more than female and non-elite ones.
3. 68.1% of the total cyclists answered positively the question of whether they would go on cycling. The reasons why they would go on cycling were to be better cyclists (48.0%), and to secure a stable life after retirement (21.0%). Elite cyclists, however, showed negative response to their future careers.
4. The subjects responded more positively to the aptitude, satisfaction, and expectations.
5. Their family economic status was lower and elite cyclists showed more negative responses to their children’s possibility to be cyclists in the future than non-elite cyclists.
6. They satisfied with their coaches’ leadership with well-organized training program.
7. They were positively adapted to social life, while they responded negatively to their economic stability and social status.
8. Elites cyclists preferred non-athlete spouse than athletes, as compared with non-elite cyclists.
9. They wanted to turn professional (51.8%) after a certain period of amateur careers.
10. They were interested in professional cycling (12.9%), which would contribute to the promotion of amateur cycling.
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A study on sports for all movement of YMCA 인문 · 사회과학편 : YMCA 사회체육활동(社會體育活動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
28(1) 67-74, 1989
A study on sports for all movement of YMCA 인문 · 사회과학편 : YMCA 사회체육활동(社會體育活動)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
YMCA’s activities for social physical education enabled each individual to have the Motive power necessary for his own self-development with well-balanced character farmed by intelligence, virtue, and body.
Those activities could play the pioneering role in introducing, popularizing, and guiding the modern sports and the role as the sole Recreation Center of all efforts strive for the juvenile physical and spiritual development and make a contribution to introduce and popularize baseball, basketball, wrestling, weight tilting, and other indoor exercises or sports. It was one of epoch-making achievements that in 1912 YMCA organized a touring baseball team to play in Japan.
It can be said that YMCA did away with feudalism and implanted the humane and national spirits in the people. Therefore, YMCA’s sport activities are considered to be the very mother’s body of all the modem sports in Korea. Its ideology for physical education to develop individual intelligence, virtue, and body has contributed to the promotion of sports for all.
It is considered that, for YMCA to accomplish its goals and for the People to improve their healthy conditions and make physical activities important pares of their daily livings, some long-term overall development plans should be propared, and at the same time, some drastic investments in facilities along with the development of leadership should be taken.
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School Sport of Soviet 인문 · 사회과학편 : 소련(蘇聯)의 학교체육(學校體育)
28(1) 75-82, 1989
School Sport of Soviet 인문 · 사회과학편 : 소련(蘇聯)의 학교체육(學校體育)
In soviet society. No particular explanation is necessary on importance of physical education. But physical education and sport take on a large meaning which in development process of their society. Because centralization of government society is appeared very strongly it’s tendency.
Government of soviet is encouraging systematic physical activities un general objective of communism in physical section.
This physical activities maintain one’s health, improves productivity of labor, and is used by means of provide to young generation with preparation about labor and national defense.
As we have seen school sport of soviet, the results are as follows;
1) The soviet sport is a master of concern of government and party, and they introduced single theory that they had developed. Development motive of physical education and sport are inspired indimension political or ideological.
2) School sport of soviet is attempt not only physical fitness improvement of child and student but national defense power.
3) Soviet pick out and then train top athletes in early stage with application G.T.O, B.G.T.O system.
4) It is not almost inter scholastic game, and participation of game is accomplished through sport chub movement.
5) Top athletes of soviet are trained in physical education college and sport boarding school.
6) In sport boarding school is made a specialty one or two event sport.
7) In curriculm physical education and sport boarding school, there are many physical exercise and science section subject but there are few socio-cultural section subject.
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A Proposal about the Development of a Community Athletic Organization Followed by the Implementation of a Local Autonomous System 인문 · 사회과학편 : 지방자치제(地方自治制) 실시(實施)에 따른 지역사회체육행정(地域社會體育行政)의 발전방향(發展方向)
28(1) 83-101, 1989
A Proposal about the Development of a Community Athletic Organization Followed by the Implementation of a Local Autonomous System 인문 · 사회과학편 : 지방자치제(地方自治制) 실시(實施)에 따른 지역사회체육행정(地域社會體育行政)의 발전방향(發展方向)
We purpose the creation of a community athletic organization followed by the establishment of a local autonomous system, as follow:
1. A community athletic organization structure and the development direction of system and institution.
1) Systematizing a local athletic administration structure extending the organization and making its goals and purpose clear and precise.
2) Professionalizing the personnel in the local athletic organization, and fortifying the management structure.
3) THE local athletic organization must be strengthened. WITH a practical program, a revision of the law related to the promotion of physical education, a strong execution through complement; and putting a low in order with fortifying a basis statement of athletic facilities i needed.
2. THE development direction of a community athletic policy.
1) A sound athletic climate should be created in relation to the implementation of the local autonomy system.
2) THE establishment of policy is needed in the context of a local autonomy system value for the promotion of the local inhabitants` welfare. TO begin with, the expansion of athletic facilities as an are a of development must be put in priority, adn the short and long-term overall policy including the education of leadership, the development of the program must be prepared.
3) IN relation to the execution of a local autonomous system, the increasing participation opportunity of an athletic activity must be equalized and extended.
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The Effects of Job Satisfaction through Direct Involvement of Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠의 직접 참여가 직장인(職場人)의 직무만족(職務滿足)에 미치는 효과(效果)
28(1) 103-127, 1989
The Effects of Job Satisfaction through Direct Involvement of Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 스포츠의 직접 참여가 직장인(職場人)의 직무만족(職務滿足)에 미치는 효과(效果)
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of direct involvement of sports Which could improve the desirable job satisfaction.
For the purpose of this study, the randomly selected subjects (N=346) were divided into two subgroups such as participants in sports or leisure (N=217) and nonparticipants (N=129).
For this study a-self-evaluation-reporting-questionnaire was organized, which was consisted of 26 items on 5 factors (Human Relation. HR, Individual Achievement: IA, Fair Personnel Policy: FPP, Employee Welfare : EW, Company Identification: CI) of job satisfaction.
Likert’s 5 point scale method was used to evaluate the data.
The data were treated with t-Test, ANOVA, and multiple classification analysis at the .05 significant level.
The results were as follows :
1. It was indicated that participants in sports or leisure showed higher evaluation than nonparticipants in job satisfaction.
2. It was indicated that subvariables had the effect of job satisfaction partially.
1) With regard to gender, the male showed higher evaluation than the female in IA; the female showed higher evaluation than the male in EW.
2) With regard to residence, the employee of S company in Seoul showed the highest evaluation in FPP; the employee of P company of Pohang showed the highest evaluation in EW; the employee of P company of Kwang Yang showed the highest evaluation in CI.
3) With regard to age, the group of being elder showed higher evaluation in IA and CI.
4) With regard to status, the group of being higher status showed higher evaluation in IA, EW, FPP, and CI.
6) With regard to salary, the group getting a butter salary showed higher evaluation in all the factors of job satisfaction.
3. It was indicated that the independent variable (sports-leisure participation experience) showed robuster effect in job satisfaction than subvariables (gender, age, residence, status, and salary); otherwise , with regard to FPP. status of subvariables showed robuster effect than independent variable.
4, There would be no significant difference in job satisfaction between sports group and leisure group.
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An Aesthetic Perspective on the Piece, "Rooms" of Anna Sokolow 인문 · 사회과학편 : Anna Sokolow 에 관한 미학적(美學的) 고찰(考察) - 「Rooms」를 중심으로 -
28(1) 129-137, 1989
An Aesthetic Perspective on the Piece, "Rooms" of Anna Sokolow 인문 · 사회과학편 : Anna Sokolow 에 관한 미학적(美學的) 고찰(考察) - 「Rooms」를 중심으로 -
The thesis concerns with analysis on a modern dance pierre, "Room" The choreographer, Sokolow makes a statement through the piece, frustration, isolation and nuresolution of her generation, whose psychological revelation constitute theme of the dance.
"Room" is considered to express the qualities of the twenty-centuries’ psychological problems. For "Rooms", Sokolow explored dance vocabularies by intensifing dynamics and rhythms on common gestures. And then she shows also unified form of variety as an important part. Appreciation of the dance as unique modern dance form.
Dancers is "Rooms" produces the piece’s own meaning while dancing and experiencing the sensuous moments through their bodies.
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An Analysis of Academic Learning Time On Elementary Physical Education Classes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 체육수업(體育授業)의 학습시간(學習時間) 분석연구(分析硏究)
28(1) 139-152, 1989
An Analysis of Academic Learning Time On Elementary Physical Education Classes 인문 · 사회과학편 : 국민학교(國民學校) 체육수업(體育授業)의 학습시간(學習時間) 분석연구(分析硏究)
With increased understanding of importance of student time on task in the process of teaching, it is appropriate to examine tile teaching effectiveness in physical education with the ALT-PE System. The purpose of the study was to compare and describe academic learning time in physical education between elementary school leachers with different demographic backgrounds.
Total of 26 certified full-time elementary school leachers in Seoul, Korea were selected on the basis of the demographic backgrounds of the teachers. Four demographic backgrounds of the subject teachers include sex, levels of academic degrees earned, years of teaching experiences, and types of professional preparation programs.
Three students were randomly selected from earth class of 26 subject teacher. These three students were used for collecting data under the assumption that average data for them would be representative of the class.
The observation instrument used in this study was the revised ALT-PE system developed by Siedentop, Tousignant, and Parker (1982). This instrument utilizes two levels of decisions during an observation, both on context and learner involvement. Each decision takes place at a different level within the interval, and each interval contains a set of behavioral definitions to describe what was observed during a given interval.
After receiving the school administrator’s and the teacher’s permission to observe the clams, each class was observed twice on different days during October and November 1988.
During observation, an observer listened to a cue tape through earphone jacks for signals to observe and record in alternating six-second interval recording procedures.
Two trained persons participated in observation. Before observing the classes, the observers were trained in a sequential task program to be familiar with ALT-PE coding procedures. Inter-and intra-observer reliability were checked to maintain it’s satisfactory level with r=.90 or over.
Descriptive statistical analysis of the data were conducted To determine whether significant differences were evident in ALT-PE between teachers with different demographic backgrounds, t-test was performed on all of the variables.
On the basis of the results analysed, the conclusions were drawn as follows.
1. There are differences in the skill practice and game category of ALT-PE between male and female elementary school teachers.
2. There are no differences of ALT-PE between teacher who had 2-year teacher education programs and who had 4-year teacher education programs.
3. There are no differences of ALT-PE between beginning leachers and experienced teachers.
4. There is a difference in the motor appropriate category of ALT-PE between specialists in physical education and nonspecialists in physical education.
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A Study on the Taekwondo to Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道)의 스포츠화(化) 과정(過程)에 관한 고찰(考察) (기(其)Ⅰ)
28(1) 153-164, 1989
A Study on the Taekwondo to Sports 인문 · 사회과학편 : 태권도(跆拳道)의 스포츠화(化) 과정(過程)에 관한 고찰(考察) (기(其)Ⅰ)
1. Conclusions
The process of Making into a sport of Taekwondo was analyzed in this study with emphasis on the spread and development. Ryoru-Gi in Taekwondo that had been conducted as judgement or an exhibition was made into a match owing to unification of various par ties. The unification was amplished by the laws of registration of social parties that was pointed out clearly in the Decree No 6. of the supreme council for national reconstruction. Taekwondo was spread and developed very quickly and has many athletic pop ulations, and many big games has ben held.
Conclusions are as follows :
1) Sports in Korea were induced by foreign missionaries and students studying abroad and developed in schools. On the order hand, Taekwondo was grown naturally in gynasium first and was spread to students by planting its root as extracurriular artivities.
2) Development of sports is affected by their symbolic ractors (ideology, one`s view of honor, hope, and mission) as well as national character and history. Taekwondo is the sport that can give the accomplishment of promotion according to improvement of technique. So, it is developed on the basis of racial characteristics.
3) We can feel ourselves through sports. Particulary, the fact that Tackwondo is the competing sport that express human nature helps its spread and development.
4) Although the relation between massmedia and spread of sports is on the characteristics of the sports, Taekwondo has been spread and developed individually . Taekwondo can be used for masscommunication, because it can give benefit to enterprise.
2. Studies For further discussion
Spread and development of sports was analyzed on the basis of characteristics of social structure. Accordingly, it is necessary to analyze internal and external factors for spread and development. To do that, the process of making into a sport of Taekwondo not saved in literature should be analyzed concretely and in detail.
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A Study on the Physical Fitness Age of Korean Adults 자연과학편 : 한국성인(韓國成人)의 체력년령(體力年齡)에 관한 연구(硏究)
The subjects for this research amounted to 3,678 male adults whose age ranged from 30 to 59. Their actual physical fitness was measured in five items, such as standing long jump, sit-ups, push-ups, timed shuttle run and 5-minute distance run. The analyzed results as well as their physical grade and physical fitness age are shown below.
1. Physical fitness of male Koreans in their age classification was almost equal to the Japanese counterpart reported in 1979.
2. Scores of physical fitness tests are presented in Table 4-1 to 4-5, while Table 5 and Table 6 show the subjects’ physical grade and physical fitness age respectively.
3. As to the residential division, adults from rural provinces were superior to those from small and large cities in that order.
4. As to the professional division, sports fans or club members were the best and farmers, clerks, drivers and so on followed.
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The Effect of Training on Body Composition , Function of Circulation and Strength : Centering Around Weight Training and Circuit Weight Training 자연과학편 : 트레이닝이 신체구성(身體構成) , 순환기능(循環機能) 및 근력에 (筋力) 미치는 효과(效果) - Weight Training과 Circuit Weight Training을 중심으로 -
28(1) 187-208, 1989
The Effect of Training on Body Composition , Function of Circulation and Strength : Centering Around Weight Training and Circuit Weight Training 자연과학편 : 트레이닝이 신체구성(身體構成) , 순환기능(循環機能) 및 근력에 (筋力) 미치는 효과(效果) - Weight Training과 Circuit Weight Training을 중심으로 -
The purpose of this study was to observe the effects of 12 weeks weight training (W. T) and Circuit Weight Training (C.W.T). The 51 healthy male students of J university in Seoul are randomly selected as subjects.
The procedure of this experiment are as fellow. 51 subjects are derived into three groups: G-1 (W.T.: 90% load of 1 RM), G-2 (W.T.: 70% load of 1 RM) 3nd G-3 (C.W.T).
The data of this study are analyzed using computer, the results of statistics data were as follows :
1. Physique measure result of before and after training.
Bodyweight did not show significant increase in all three groups. Chest, bicep and thigh girth showed significant increase in G-1 and G-2 But they did not show significant increase in G-3. G-1 showed highest the increase in chest girth 2.08㎝, in bicep girth 1.15 ㎝., in thigh girth 1.55㎝. Waist girth showed significant decrease in G-3 (-1.02㎝) But G-1 and G-2 did not significant decrease.
2. Body composition measure results of before and after training.
Body fat did Hot show significant decrease in all three groups, however G-3 skewed more decrease than G-2 and G-1. Lean Body Mass (L.B.M) did not show significant increase in all three groups, however G-1 showed higher the rate of increase than G-2 and G-3.
3. Function of circulation (Heart rate and Blood pressure) measure results of before and after training.
Rest heart rats of G-3 and G-2 showed significant the decrease of -4.94 beats/min and -2.06 beats/min respectively. Rest systolic blood pressure G-3 and G-2 showed significant the decrease of -5.65 mmHg, and -3.23 mmHg respectively
4. Strength measure results of before and after training.
Grip strength (Inert, right), back strength, sit-up, bench press, squat, and pull-up showed significant increase in all three groups.
5. Interrelation of between each items.
Between bodyweight and L.B.M showed significant high correlation coefficient of 0.98 and 0.99 in pre and post-test. Between bicep and chest, thigh girth, bench press and squat showed significant medium or high correlation coefficient of 0.51 to 0.89 in pre and post-test. Between L.B.M and bench press and squat showed significantly high correlation coefficient of 0.81, 0.71 in pretest and coefficient of 0.83, 0.74 in post-test, Particularly between bodyweight and physique’s girth, L.B.M, grip strength, back strength, sit-up, bench press, and squat showed slightly high correlation after training than before training.
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An Experimental Study on Kinesthesis in a Blend of Mental Practice and Quantitative Knowledge of Results 자연과학편 : 양적(量的) KR과 Mental Paractice 혼합부여시(混合附與時) 운동감각(運動感覺) 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
고영완YoungWanKo , 권태원TaeWonKwon
28(1) 209-222, 1989
An Experimental Study on Kinesthesis in a Blend of Mental Practice and Quantitative Knowledge of Results 자연과학편 : 양적(量的) KR과 Mental Paractice 혼합부여시(混合附與時) 운동감각(運動感覺) 효과(效果)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
고영완YoungWanKo , 권태원TaeWonKwon
The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of Kinesthesis of a blend of Mental Practices by Given Quantitative KR and to provide this information to Motor Performance.
The subjects for this study consisted of 50 Korea Military Academy students, who were assigned equally to five groups; they are from 21 to 22 in ages. By means of Digital Grip Dynamomenter, the subjects were recognized by 2 trials of the value of goal (10㎏). After the subjects repeated 30 practice trials, they were tested by 3 trials.
They were divided into groups such as ;
Group I (10) was accurately recognized by the value of the difference of goal to the vague of goal (10㎏).
Group II (10) was accurately recognized by the value of the difference of goal to the value of goal (10㎏) and Mental Practice.
Group III (10) was unaccurately (plus and minus) recognized by the value of the difference of goal to the value of goal (10㎏).
Group IV (10) was unaccurately (plus and minus) recognized by the value of the difference of goal to the value of goal (10㎏) and Mental Practice.
Group V (10)was the Control Group
The One-Way ANOVA analysis was used and the results were calculated. The results are as follows :
The Kinesthesis of a blend of Mental Practice and Quantitative KR showed that Group I was DM 0.07㎏ more than Group II, DM 0.25㎏ more than Group III, DM 0.09㎏ more than Group IV, DM 1.2㎏ more than Group V, that Group II was DM 0.18㎏ more than Group III, DM 0.02㎏ more than Group IV, DM 1.23㎏ more than Group V, that Group III was DM 0.16㎏ more than Group IV and DM 0.95㎏ more than Group V.
In conclusion, although there wasn’t any significant difference among greups, the writers could see that there was a slight improvement to the Mean of Difference (DM) among groups. These factors could be developed by effects on Kinesthesis of a blending of Mental Practice and Quantitative KR.
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A Study on the Effect of Arousal Level Increasing in Mental Practice - Focused on Basketball Freethrow - 자연과학편 : 정신련습(精神練習)이 심박수변화(心搏數變化) 및 농구프리드로 성공률(成功率)에 미치는 영향
28(1) 223-230, 1989
A Study on the Effect of Arousal Level Increasing in Mental Practice - Focused on Basketball Freethrow - 자연과학편 : 정신련습(精神練習)이 심박수변화(心搏數變化) 및 농구프리드로 성공률(成功率)에 미치는 영향
In order to clarify the effects of arousal on the performance, Relation of performance and usual arousal Level or Increasing of arousal Level was to Investigate how it is effects on performance. Subjects of this study were 16 male selected randomly from amateur player in H High school. Variance on success rate at actual freethrow, heart rate at mental practice and resting heart rate was to compare and analyze according to prestudy which measurement of arousal Level was estimating and utilizing heart rate.
The results were as follows ;
1. Heart rate at mental practice was shown to have increased 19.46% than resting heart rate (p < 0.001 ).
2. Heart rate at freethrow was shown to have increased 54.84% than heart rate at mental practice (p < 0.001).
3. Success rate of freethrow after mental practice was shown to have increased 13.12% than success rate of freethrow before mental practice (P < 0.001).
4. There is no relation increase rate of heart rate at mental practice and success rate of freethrow.
5. There is no relation success rate of freethrow and increase rate of heart rate at freethrow to resting state.
6. There is relation successrate of freethrow before mental practice and increase rate of success rate at actual freethrow.
The results mentioned above were assumed to be able to increase performance ability through the mental practice.
Key Words
A Study on Basketball Skill 자연과학편 : 농구(籠球) 경기(競技) 내용(內容) 분석(分析)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) - 제(第)24회(回) 서울 Olympic 대회(大會) 녀자부경기(女子部競機) 중심(中心) -
28(1) 231-244, 1989
A Study on Basketball Skill 자연과학편 : 농구(籠球) 경기(競技) 내용(內容) 분석(分析)에 관(關)한 조사(調査) 연구(硏究) - 제(第)24회(回) 서울 Olympic 대회(大會) 녀자부경기(女子部競機) 중심(中心) -
The games of the 24th Seoul Olympics was held for 15 days, from September 17, 1988 until October 2. There were 8 team which participated in the women`s Basketball events. (U.S.A., YUG., URS., AUS., BUL., CHN., KOR., and TCH.) These women athletes went through a physical examination, which were combined of their height, weight, and age. During their 40 games, they were, in a sense being analyzed to see which team had the best shooting angle (7°, 30°, 40°, 90°), rebounds, assist, and fouls.
1. Physique. (Height, weight, Age)
1) Height-The average height of the participating tram was 181.6 (㎝). The tallest teams were YUG. and URS., with an average height of 184.2 (㎝). The shortest team was KOR. with an average height of 176.5 (㎝).
2) Weight-The average weight of the 12 participating teams was 73.0㎏. CHN. was the heaviest team with an average weight of 77.9㎏, and KOR. was the lightest team with an average weight of 66.7 (㎏).
3) Age-The average age of these 12 teams was 23.8 years old. The oldest team was AUS. With an average age of 25.3 years, and YUG. was tole youngest team with an average of 22.0 years.
2. Shooting average/percent. (3 points, 2 points, 1 point)
1) The average shooting percent was 40.9%. The team with the best shooting percent was KOR. With a score of 51.1%. The team with the lowest percentage was URS. with only 31.6%.
2) The average percent of the 2 points shot was 49.3%. The highest 2 points shot percentage was 55.3% belonging to BUL., while AUS had the lowest percentile of 37.477.
3) The average percent of the 1 point shot (free throw) was 74.6% KOR. Had the highest percentage with an average of 77.6%. TCH. had the lowest percentage of 72.1%.
3. Shooting Angle (0°, 30°, 60°, 90°)
1) The average percent for the 90° angle shot from the right hand side was 68.9%, and the percentage of the left side was 71.0%. The average percent of the 90° angle 2 points shot from the right was 41.4%, and the left hand side showed 38.9%, which happens to be the highest shooting percentage.
2) The average percent for the 40° angle 3 points shot from the right side was 21.6%, and 22.0% from the left side. The average percent for the 60° angle 2 points shot from the right was 35.1% and the left hand side percentage was 45.8%.
3) The 30° angle 3 points shot from the right showed an average percent of 9.5% and 7.0% from the left. The average percent for the 30° angle 2 points shot from the right was 4.1% and the left side percentage only showed 3.3%, which was the lowest percentile of these shots.
4) For the 0° angle 2 points shot from the right side averaged 19.4% and the left side percentage was 12.0%.
4. Rebounds
The average number of rebounds in a game was 26.9. The team with the most rebounds belonged to U.S.A., wish 35.6 rebounds, while KOR. showed to have the least rebounds with only 19.8 rebounds. The average percent for offensive rebounds was 32.2% and 47.7% for defensive rebounds.
5. Fouls
The average number of fouls during a game was 20.2 fouls. URS. had the most fouls with 22.2 fouls made. The team with the least fouls was CHN., with only 16.8 fouls.
6. Assists
The average number of assists during a game was 8.4 U.S.A. had the most amount of assists with 12 assists, while YUG. only had 5.6 assists, which was the team with the least number of assists.
Key Words
A Comparison Study on the Velocity and the Power between Track Cyclists and Road Cyclists 자연과학편 : 트랙사이클선수와 도로사이클선수의 속도와 power에 관한 비교연구
28(1) 245-254, 1989
A Comparison Study on the Velocity and the Power between Track Cyclists and Road Cyclists 자연과학편 : 트랙사이클선수와 도로사이클선수의 속도와 power에 관한 비교연구
The purpose of this study was to measure the velocity and the power between track cyclists and road cyclists in pedaling bicycle ergometer and to clarify the relationship between revolutions minute (R.P.M) and power in each load of two subject groups.
Exercise load was composed of 3-6kp, in which subjects in each load performed all-out effort during 12 seconds.
The results of the study were summarized as follows :
1) Maximum covering velocity, average covering velocity, and pedaling R.P.M. in both groups of subjects were shown in decreasing tendency when the load was increased. Especially, the value of track cyclist group was shown higher than that of read cyclist group.
2) The acceleration from start to maximum power appearance time in both groups was shown the decreasing tendency, when the load was increased. The changes of acceleration between two groups were 3kp-0.12m.sec², 5kp-0.31m.sec²and 6kp-0.72m.sec².
3) The average power was shown the growing tendency, when the load was increased, and the average power of track and road cyclists was 686.25N.m/sec and 611.5N.m/sec respectively.
4) In anaerobic maximum power, track cyclist group was 846.13N.m/sec and road cyclist group was 691.4N.m/sec. Therefore, The value of track cyclist group was higher than that of road cyclist.
5) The relationship between the velocity and the power of them had the tendency that the former was slower and the later was more increased, according to the increase of load.
Key Words
A Study on the Prediction of Maximal Oxygen Uptake by the Heart Rate and Velocity 자연과학편 : 심박수(心拍數)와 속도(速度)에 의한 최대산소섭취량(最大酸素攝取量) 추정연구(推定硏究)
28(1) 255-261, 1989
A Study on the Prediction of Maximal Oxygen Uptake by the Heart Rate and Velocity 자연과학편 : 심박수(心拍數)와 속도(速度)에 의한 최대산소섭취량(最大酸素攝取量) 추정연구(推定硏究)
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the predicability of VO₂ max from a 800m running performance of high school girls, and investigation the relationship between VO₂max, as predicted by 800m running test, and velocity per minute of 800m Run.
The subjects of this study consisted of ten trained girls (16 yrs) and twenty untrained girls (16 yrs: 10, 17 yrs: 10).
Heart rate was nominated by telemeter system 108, and running time measured.
The results of this study as follows;
VO₂ max values for trained 16 years girls was 3.10 ± 0.41 ℓ/min; and VO₂ max values expressed in ㎖/㎏/min was 79.17 ± 20.08 ㎖/ng/min. VO₂ max values for untrained 16 years girls was 2.55 ± 0.14 ℓ/min, and VO₂, max values expressed in ㎖/㎏/min was 63.64 ± 6.96 ㎖/㎏/min.
VO₂ max values thor untrained in years girls was 2.44 ± 0.137/min, and VO₂ max values expressed in me/㎏/min was 56.41 ± 4.78 ㎖/㎏/min. The correlation coefficient between velocity per minute of 800-Run and VO₂ max expressed in ℓ/min was r = 0.94 (trained 16 yrs), r = 0.88 (untrained 16 yrs), r = 0.76 (untrained 17 yrs)
The regression formulas for predicting maximal oxygen uptake (Y) based on the velocity per minute of 800m-Run (x) were
Y = 0.01376χ -0.83713 (trained 16 yrs)
Y = 0.01057χ -0.13451 (untrained 16 yrs)
Y = 0.00792χ +0.56730 (untrained 17 yrs).
Key Words
The Effect of Ginseng on Changes of Blood Components Before and After Treadmill Exercise 자연과학편 : 인삼복용(人蔘服用)이 운동부하(運動負荷) 전후(前後)의 일부(一部) 혈액성분변화(血液成分變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
28(1) 263-276, 1989
The Effect of Ginseng on Changes of Blood Components Before and After Treadmill Exercise 자연과학편 : 인삼복용(人蔘服用)이 운동부하(運動負荷) 전후(前後)의 일부(一部) 혈액성분변화(血液成分變化)에 미치는 영향(影響)
The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of blood components by the effect of Ginseng. Each blood of pre and post-treadmill stress test was collected and compared before and after dosing Ginseng thor 4 weeks. The items-RBC, WBC, Hb, Hct, WBC D/C, SGOT, SGPT, LDH, and CDK were analyzed.
The results were summarized as follows:
1. In the changes of blood components before dosing Ginseng, the values of RBC, Hct, Hb, SGOT, LDH, WBC, and CPK in the post exercise were increased (P < .001 ∼ P < .05) significantly in comparison with those in the pre exercise. (P < .05). But SGPT was decreased (P < .05).
2. In the changes of blood components after dosing Ginseng, the values of LDH, RBC, SGOT, SGPT, WBC, Hb, and HCT in the post exercise were increased significantly (P < .001 ∼ P < .05) in comparison with those in the pre exercise.
3. In the change of blood components before treadmill exercise, the values of SGOT and SGPT after dosing Ginseng were increased significantly (P < .001) in comparison with those before dosing Ginseng.
4. In the changes of blood components after treadmill exercise, the values of SGPT (P < .05) and other segments of WBC after dosing Ginseng increased in comparison with those before dosing Ginseng. But, SGOT, LDH (P < .05) and the lymphocyte of WBC (P < .01) were decreased.
5. As compared with the hemotological changes between each exercise effect before and after dosing ginseng, the values of Hct, SGPT, LDH, and CPK in the former changed more significantly than those of the latter.
Key Words
Development and Evaluation of Cardiovascular Health Module 자연과학편 : 심장혈관 건강 Module의 개발과 평가
강상조SangJoKang , 이규성KyuSungLee , 권봉안BongAnKwun
28(1) 277-287, 1989
Development and Evaluation of Cardiovascular Health Module 자연과학편 : 심장혈관 건강 Module의 개발과 평가
강상조SangJoKang , 이규성KyuSungLee , 권봉안BongAnKwun
This study was to aim at analyzing and verifying the results derived from the developed "Heart Health Module", after the needs assessment which dealt with the investigation of knowledge, altitudes, and practices pertaining to cardiovascular disease. There were 189 subjects for the study selected from seoul and local areas in Korea.
The study employed Solomon-Four-Group design in order to analyze the data statistically and resulted in the following finding:
1. The group exposed to the module demonstrated significantly higher cardiovascular knowledge scores than those in the control group.
2. The group exposed to the module had positively higher scores in cardiovascular attitudes than those in the control group.
3. The group treated with the module showed positively higher scores than those in the control group.
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Development of the Method for Analyzing Human Movement by Applying Panning Technique to High - Speed Camera 자연과학편 : 고속 카메라의 panning 기술을 적용한 운동 동작 분석법의 개발
황인승InSeongHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee , 이기태KiTaeLee
28(1) 289-294, 1989
Development of the Method for Analyzing Human Movement by Applying Panning Technique to High - Speed Camera 자연과학편 : 고속 카메라의 panning 기술을 적용한 운동 동작 분석법의 개발
황인승InSeongHwang , 이성철SungCheolLee , 이기태KiTaeLee
Background markers and control points were filmed through the panning technique by a Photosonic high-speed camera with zoom lens. The x, y coordinates of each control of point were measured. The given x, y coordinates and computed x, y coordinates which were obtained through talc computer program written for this study were compared.
Absolute mean errors far x and y coordinates were 1.376cm and 0.957cm respectively.
The percentage of these errors were respectively 0.31% and 1.28%
As the results, it was concluded that the panning technique and calculation used in this study were acceptable and could be applied to human movement studies.
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Kinematie Analysis of 3 Backward Somersault Dismount in Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉에서 뒤돌아 공중내리기의 Kinematic적 분석
28(1) 295-303, 1989
Kinematie Analysis of 3 Backward Somersault Dismount in Horizontal Bar 자연과학편 : 철봉에서 뒤돌아 공중내리기의 Kinematic적 분석
To analysis 3 backward somersault dismount in horizontal bar, this paper was studied on centering of each subject 7 segments during airbone phase, the range of the study was from the release on bar to the ground position, the subject recruited in the study were all national representing team’s athletes(3).
The experiment equipment recruited in the study were 16 mm high speed camera (photosonic) and frame rate used in the study was 100 fr/sec.
The results of this study were as follows :
1) The consumed time by each phase during 3 backward somersault dismount were the least in sub-1 of all subjects in the the first phase.
2) In the projectile course of C.O.G. in each subject, the max verticle distance were each 4,376, 3,709, 3,179 M in sub-1, sub-2, sub-3.
3) Resulting the analysis of each segments’ angles Angle variable were 146.6, 139.1, 115.6 degree in shoulder in the order of sub-1, 2, 3 and hip angle were 177.4, 88.8, 80.7 degree Knee’ angle were each 83.5, 99.1, 80.7 degree. The result considered in hare the most unstable dismount position in sub-1 of all subjects.
4) In variation of angular velocity of each segment, the case of sub-1 was rasters pattern than any other subjects at the release on the bar.
5) In the pattern of linear velocity of C.O.C. Verticle velocity of sub-1 was slower than any other subjects and also in max reach phase.
Key Words
Comparative Observation Study on Physical Fitness between Judoman and Wrestler in College Athletics 자연과학편 : 국내 유도 및 레슬링선수의 기초체력에 대한 비교 연구
In order to a comparative observed study on physical fitness between judoman and wrestler of college athletics were determined in twenty-five judoman and thirty-one wrestler in Korean National College of Physical Education.
The results are summerized as follows:
1) The anthropometric data of body composition in judoman and wrestler were not significantly revealed mean value difference in the subject.
2) There are statistically significant level of difference in grip strength and lifting power of judoman when compared those of data of wrestler.
3) It is not significant level of difference in various agility and flexibility test score between judoman and wrestler.
4) Statistical significant bevel of difference of 2,000m dash in cardiopulmonary function test and sit-up teat score in muscular endurance test between judoman and wrestler.
5) The correlation coefficient among the body weight of judoman and grip strength, lifting power, leg strength and Harvard step test score in physical fitness exercise were +0.983, +0.964, +0.904 and +0.951, respectively.
6) The coefficient of correlation among the body weight if wrestler and grip strength, lifting power, leg strength and Harvard step tests score in physical fitness exercise were +0.868, +0.821, +0.591 and +0.761, respectively.
Key Words
A Computer Simulation for Determinating of the Optimum Release Angles and Velocities in the Basketball Free Throw and 3 - Point Field Shooting 자연과학편 : Computer Simulation을 통한 농구(籠球)의 프리드로우 슛팅과 3점 피일드 슛팅시 최적(最適) 투사각도(投射角度)와 투사속도(投射速度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
28(1) 313-320, 1989
A Computer Simulation for Determinating of the Optimum Release Angles and Velocities in the Basketball Free Throw and 3 - Point Field Shooting 자연과학편 : Computer Simulation을 통한 농구(籠球)의 프리드로우 슛팅과 3점 피일드 슛팅시 최적(最適) 투사각도(投射角度)와 투사속도(投射速度)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)
The purpose of this study was to determinate the optimum angles and velocities of release in the basketball free throw and 3-point field shooting by using computer simulation.
The results were as follows :
1. The optimum entry angles, release angles, and release velocities were 38 ∼ 47°. 48.47 ∼ 54.85°, 7.33 ∼ 7.39 m/sec. respectively in the basketball free throw shooting.
2. The optimum entry angles, release angles, and release velocities were 40 ∼ 46°, 47.60 ∼ 57.25°, 8.35 ∼ 8.38 m/sec. respectively in 7he basketball 3-point field sheeting.
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An Analytical Research on Games of Soft Tennis 자연과학편 : 연식정구(軟式庭球)의 경기내용(競技內容)에 관(關)한 분석(分析) 연구(硏究)
28(1) 321-330, 1989
An Analytical Research on Games of Soft Tennis 자연과학편 : 연식정구(軟式庭球)의 경기내용(競技內容)에 관(關)한 분석(分析) 연구(硏究)
This research is done on 97 women’s team and individual games in 5 all-Korea soft-tennis tournament, in order to analysis the scoring and score-losing rate in soft-tennis. From the research the following conclusions are obtained.
1. The scoring arid the score-losing rate are 42.7% and 57.3% respectively, and the scoring-rate of a forward player is higher than that of a back player.
2. In a back player, the scoring and the score-losing rate are 34.2% and 65.8% respectively and getting and losing a score is mainly due to stroke.
3. Among various score-losing cases of a back player, the most frequent case happens when a ball is caught by a net, which shows 34.9%, and, and-line omit shows 32.8%.
4. The scoring and the score-losing rate of a forward player are 57.3% and 42.7% respectively, and getting and losing a score is mainly due to volley.
5. Amang various score-losing cases of a forward player, no-touch shows 38.0%, the case that a ball is caught by a net shows 30.3% and end-line out shows 21.9%.
Key Words
Aerobic Capacity and Recovery Capacity 자연과학편 : 유산소능력(有酸素能力)과 회복능력(回復能力)
28(1) 331-336, 1989
Aerobic Capacity and Recovery Capacity 자연과학편 : 유산소능력(有酸素能力)과 회복능력(回復能力)
The main purpose of this study was researching not only what is the difference between long distance runners and non-athletes as a general index of aerobic capacity (HR rest, VO₂ max. and AT) but also what is correlation with recovery capacity.
The subjects were 10 long distance runners and 10 non-athletes, all of them were health in physically and mentally. The method was incremental exercise loading using running treadmill.
The results obtained was as follows:
1. In HR rest, long distance runners were lower than non-athletes in significantly, but HR max rate was not significantly difference between two group.
2. In VO₂ max, and AT, long distance runners were higher than non-athletes in significantly.
3. In recovery 30 min. HR and VO₂ recovery rate, long distance runner were higher than non-athletes in significantly.
4. HR and VO₂ recovery rate were significantly correlation with HR rest, VO₂ max and AT.
Key Words
Effect of the Leg-Muscle Power on the Isometric Holding Time 자연과학편 : 각근(脚筋) 파워가 등척성(等尺性) 홀딩 타임에 미치는 영향(影響)
임용규YoungKyuLim , 최창국ChangKukChoi , 최은택EunTaekChoi
28(1) 337-344, 1989
Effect of the Leg-Muscle Power on the Isometric Holding Time 자연과학편 : 각근(脚筋) 파워가 등척성(等尺性) 홀딩 타임에 미치는 영향(影響)
임용규YoungKyuLim , 최창국ChangKukChoi , 최은택EunTaekChoi
The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of leg muscle power on the isometric holding time. Thirty male students were selected from H university thor analysis of this study. Subjects were divided into the strong group and the weak group after measuring for leg-muscle power and trained for 8 weeks with after load machine to investigate for training effects each group.
The results were as follows :
1. Mode of change within group.
1) In the 10㎏, leg-muscle power effects significantly on the isometric holding time each group (p < 0.01).
2) In the 20㎏ and 30㎏, leg-muscle power effects significantly on the isometric holding time only group I (p < 0.05).
3) In the 40㎏, leg-muscle power effects significantly on the isometric holding time group I (p < 0.001),group II (p < 0.01).
2. Mode of change between group
1) In the 7㎏, leg-muscle power didn’t effect the isometric holding time in a train before and after.
2) Leg-muscle power effects significantly on the isometric holding time before training in the 10㎏ and 20㎏ (p < 001), 30㎏ and 40㎏ (p < 0.01).
3) Leg-muscle power effect significantly on the isometric holding time before training in the 10㎏ and 20㎏ (p < 0.01), 30㎏ and 40㎏ (p < 0.001).